
Clans for black ops 3
Clans for black ops 3

Message/Add me and let me know if you’re interested in recruiting me.ĭasavur said this on Februat 6:31 pm | Reply I generally play Ground War, always hoping for Domination, however I obviously play a bit of Team Deathmatch and also everyone once in a while will play some other games. I just recently started using some of the higher up killstreaks and I’m finding them very useful for getting higher scores. 7 Win/Lose ratio and a 1.59 (which has been increasing as I’ve been getting used to the Xbox controllers) Kill/Death ratio. The game isn’t very fun when you are teamed up with people who don’t know how to play.

clans for black ops 3

I continually find myself playing with ignorant people who don’t know how to work together as a team, and I’m looking for a clan that could help to change that situation around a bit. I used to play on the PS3 and just recently switched over to the Xbox 360. HittLikeaNOLE said this on Februat 1:09 pm Still sounds like a hacker / cheater to me or else he wouldn’t have gotten so defensive! Kgb16365 said this on Februat 6:57 am | Reply Well if you read the whole blog then you will also read in it people i suspect if your not then good for you im glad your good at your craft. Predator beanja said this on Februat 11:11 pm | Reply Anyway black ops sucks though since ever gun is the same stat wise and its so boring Fifa 11 is where its at

clans for black ops 3

Kgb16365 said this on Februat 6:39 pm | Replyĭude I don’t hack I just fooled around quick scoping and only hit 20% of my shots so maybe I got a lucky on u also a patch came out like a week before to make quick scooping accurate in short distance. Shoot me a message my gamertag is KGB16365 we are usually play between 8 or 9 pm eastern time. Run1Die8Tired7 said this on Februat 11:59 am | Reply Whats good my name is Christopher Johnson i’m in the army I love playin black ops and i’m lookin for a good clan. I also play gears sometimes but only gears 2

clans for black ops 3

Hittlikeanole said this on Februat 11:36 am | Reply I am a laid back player and im sick of all the cheaters out there i need a ligit clan can i join? U can message me on x-box if u want. Kgb16365 said this on Februat 6:13 pm | Reply You understand that we are strictly legit no MODS, PATCHES, AIMBOTS nothing like that. GT: BlunTmaann said this on Februat 9:01 am | Reply My kd is 1.21 I’m a stealthy player I’m a fan of ghost and a silencer I player mostly Dom and I want to join because I’m tired of gettin in crappy pub lobbies and getting put with not so good people.

Clans for black ops 3